Sipura Technology Inc

System Information
DHCP:EnabledCurrent IP:
Host Name:SipuraSPADomain:
Current Netmask: Gateway:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Product Information
Product Name:SPA-3000Serial Number:88012DA39181
Software Version:2.0.13(GWg)Hardware Version:2.0.1(5673)
MAC Address:000E08CA17F4Client Certificate:Installed
Customization:Not Customized
System Status
Current Time:5/8/2006 14:54:20Elapsed Time:00:13:51
Broadcast Pkts Sent:0Broadcast Bytes Sent:0
Broadcast Pkts Recv:446Broadcast Bytes Recv:28491
Broadcast Pkts Dropped:0Broadcast Bytes Dropped:0
RTP Packets Sent:0RTP Bytes Sent:0
RTP Packets Recv:0RTP Bytes Recv:0
SIP Messages Sent:0SIP Bytes Sent:0
SIP Messages Recv:0SIP Bytes Recv:0
External IP:
Line 1 Status
Hook State:OnRegistration State:Not Registered
Last Registration At:Next Registration In:
Message Waiting:NoCall Back Active:No
Last Called Number:Last Caller Number:
Mapped SIP Port:
Call 1 State:IdleCall 2 State:Idle
Call 1 Tone:NoneCall 2 Tone:None
Call 1 Encoder:Call 2 Encoder:
Call 1 Decoder:Call 2 Decoder:
Call 1 FAX:Call 2 FAX:
Call 1 Type:Call 2 Type:
Call 1 Remote Hold:Call 2 Remote Hold:
Call 1 Callback:Call 2 Callback:
Call 1 Peer Name:Call 2 Peer Name:
Call 1 Peer Phone:Call 2 Peer Phone:
Call 1 Duration:Call 2 Duration:
Call 1 Packets Sent:Call 2 Packets Sent:
Call 1 Packets Recv:Call 2 Packets Recv:
Call 1 Bytes Sent:Call 2 Bytes Sent:
Call 1 Bytes Recv:Call 2 Bytes Recv:
Call 1 Decode Latency:Call 2 Decode Latency:
Call 1 Jitter:Call 2 Jitter:
Call 1 Round Trip Delay:Call 2 Round Trip Delay:
Call 1 Packets Lost:Call 2 Packets Lost:
Call 1 Packet Error:Call 2 Packet Error:
Call 1 Mapped RTP Port:Call 2 Mapped RTP Port:
PSTN Line Status
Hook State:OnLine Voltage:0 (V)
Loop Current:0.0 (mA)Registration State:Not Registered
Last Registration At:Next Registration In:
Last Called VoIP Number:Last Called PSTN Number:
Last VoIP Caller:Last PSTN Caller:,
Last PSTN Disconnect Reason:PSTN Activity Timer:30000 (ms)
Mapped SIP Port:Call Type:
VoIP State:IdlePSTN State:Idle
VoIP Tone:PSTN Tone:
VoIP Peer Name:PSTN Peer Name:
VoIP Peer Number:PSTN Peer Number:
VoIP Call Encoder:VoIP Call Decoder:
VoIP Call FAX:VoIP Call Remote Hold:
VoIP Call Duration:VoIP Call Packets Sent:
VoIP Call Packets Recv:VoIP Call Bytes Sent:
VoIP Call Bytes Recv:VoIP Call Decode Latency:
VoIP Call Jitter:VoIP Call Round Trip Delay:
VoIP Call Packets Lost:VoIP Call Packet Error:
VoIP Call Mapped RTP Port:

System Configuration
Restricted Access Domains:
Enable Web Server:Web Server Port:
Enable Web Admin Access:Admin Passwd:
User Password:
Internet Connection Type
Static IP:NetMask:
Optional Network Configuration
Primary DNS:Secondary DNS:
DNS Server Order:DNS Query Mode:
Syslog Server:Debug Server:
Debug Level:Primary NTP Server:
Secondary NTP Server:

SIP Parameters
Max Forward:Max Redirection:
Max Auth:SIP User Agent Name:
SIP Server Name:SIP Accept Language:
DTMF Relay MIME Type:Hook Flash MIME Type:
Remove Last Reg:Use Compact Header:
SIP Timer Values (sec)
SIP T4:SIP Timer B:
SIP Timer F:SIP Timer H:
SIP Timer D:SIP Timer J:
INVITE Expires:ReINVITE Expires:
Reg Min Expires:Reg Max Expires:
Reg Retry Intvl:Reg Retry Long Intvl:
Response Status Code Handling
Try Backup RSC:Retry Reg RSC:
RTP Parameters
RTP Port Min:RTP Port Max:
RTP Packet Size:Max RTP ICMP Err:
RTCP Tx Interval:No UDP Checksum:
Stats In BYE:
SDP Payload Types
NSE Dynamic Payload:AVT Dynamic Payload:
INFOREQ Dynamic Payload:G726r16 Dynamic Payload:
G726r24 Dynamic Payload:G726r40 Dynamic Payload:
G729b Dynamic Payload:NSE Codec Name:
AVT Codec Name:G711u Codec Name:
G711a Codec Name:G726r16 Codec Name:
G726r24 Codec Name:G726r32 Codec Name:
G726r40 Codec Name:G729a Codec Name:
G729b Codec Name:G723 Codec Name:
NAT Support Parameters
Handle VIA received:Handle VIA rport:
Insert VIA received:Insert VIA rport:
Substitute VIA Addr:Send Resp To Src Port:
STUN Enable:STUN Test Enable:
EXT RTP Port Min:NAT Keep Alive Intvl:

Configuration Profile
Provision Enable:Resync On Reset:
Resync Random Delay:Resync Periodic:
Resync Error Retry Delay:Forced Resync Delay:
Resync From SIP:Resync After Upgrade Attempt:
Resync Trigger 1:
Resync Trigger 2:
Resync Fails On FNF:
Profile Rule:
Profile Rule B:
Profile Rule C:
Profile Rule D:
Log Resync Request Msg:
Log Resync Success Msg:
Log Resync Failure Msg:
Report Rule:
Firmware Upgrade
Upgrade Enable:Upgrade Error Retry Delay:
Downgrade Rev Limit:
Upgrade Rule:
Log Upgrade Request Msg:
Log Upgrade Success Msg:
Log Upgrade Failure Msg:
General Purpose Parameters

Call Progress Tones
Dial Tone:
Second Dial Tone:
Outside Dial Tone:
Prompt Tone:
Busy Tone:
Reorder Tone:
Off Hook Warning Tone:
Ring Back Tone:
Confirm Tone:
SIT1 Tone:
SIT2 Tone:
SIT3 Tone:
SIT4 Tone:
MWI Dial Tone:
Cfwd Dial Tone:
Holding Tone:
Conference Tone:
Secure Call Indication Tone:
VoIP PIN Tone:
Distinctive Ring Patterns
Ring1 Cadence:Ring2 Cadence:
Ring3 Cadence:Ring4 Cadence:
Ring5 Cadence:Ring6 Cadence:
Ring7 Cadence:Ring8 Cadence:
Distinctive Call Waiting Tone Patterns
CWT1 Cadence:CWT2 Cadence:
CWT3 Cadence:CWT4 Cadence:
CWT5 Cadence:CWT6 Cadence:
CWT7 Cadence:CWT8 Cadence:
Distinctive Ring/CWT Pattern Names
Ring1 Name:Ring2 Name:
Ring3 Name:Ring4 Name:
Ring5 Name:Ring6 Name:
Ring7 Name:Ring8 Name:
Ring and Call Waiting Tone Spec
Ring Waveform:Ring Frequency:
Ring Voltage:CWT Frequency:
Control Timer Values (sec)
Hook Flash Timer Min:Hook Flash Timer Max:
Callee On Hook Delay:Reorder Delay:
Call Back Expires:Call Back Retry Intvl:
Call Back Delay:VMWI Refresh Intvl:
Interdigit Long Timer:Interdigit Short Timer:
CPC Delay:CPC Duration:
Vertical Service Activation Codes
Call Return Code:Blind Transfer Code:
Call Back Act Code:Call Back Deact Code:
Cfwd All Act Code:Cfwd All Deact Code:
Cfwd Busy Act Code:Cfwd Busy Deact Code:
Cfwd No Ans Act Code:Cfwd No Ans Deact Code:
Cfwd Last Act Code:Cfwd Last Deact Code:
Block Last Act Code:Block Last Deact Code:
Accept Last Act Code:Accept Last Deact Code:
CW Act Code:CW Deact Code:
CW Per Call Act Code:CW Per Call Deact Code:
Block CID Act Code:Block CID Deact Code:
Block CID Per Call Act Code:Block CID Per Call Deact Code:
Block ANC Act Code:Block ANC Deact Code:
DND Act Code:DND Deact Code:
CID Act Code:CID Deact Code:
CWCID Act Code:CWCID Deact Code:
Dist Ring Act Code:Dist Ring Deact Code:
Speed Dial Act Code:Secure All Call Act Code:
Secure No Call Act Code:Secure One Call Act Code:
Secure One Call Deact Code:Conference Act Code:
Attn-Xfer Act Code:
Referral Services Codes:
Feature Dial Services Codes:
Outbound Call Codec Selection Codes
Prefer G711u Code:Force G711u Code:
Prefer G711a Code:Force G711a Code:
Prefer G723 Code:Force G723 Code:
Prefer G726r16 Code:Force G726r16 Code:
Prefer G726r24 Code:Force G726r24 Code:
Prefer G726r32 Code:Force G726r32 Code:
Prefer G726r40 Code:Force G726r40 Code:
Prefer G729a Code:Force G729a Code:
Set Local Date (mm/dd):Set Local Time (HH/mm):
Time Zone:FXS Port Impedance:
FXS Port Input Gain:FXS Port Output Gain:
DTMF Playback Level:DTMF Playback Length:
Detect ABCD:Playback ABCD:
Caller ID Method:FXS Port Power Limit:

Line Enable:
Streaming Audio Server (SAS)
SAS Enable:SAS DLG Refresh Intvl:
SAS Inbound RTP Sink:
NAT Settings
NAT Mapping Enable:NAT Keep Alive Enable:
NAT Keep Alive Msg:NAT Keep Alive Dest:
Network Settings
SIP TOS/DiffServ Value:Network Jitter Level:
RTP TOS/DiffServ Value:
SIP Settings
SIP Port:SIP 100REL Enable:
EXT SIP Port:Auth Resync-Reboot:
SIP Proxy-Require:SIP Remote-Party-ID:
SIP Debug Option:RTP Log Intvl:
Restrict Source IP:Referor Bye Delay:
Refer Target Bye Delay:Referee Bye Delay:
Refer-To Target Contact:
Call Feature Settings
Blind Attn-Xfer Enable:MOH Server:
Xfer When Hangup Conf:
Proxy and Registration
Proxy:Use Outbound Proxy:
Outbound Proxy:Use OB Proxy In Dialog:
Register:Make Call Without Reg:
Register Expires:Ans Call Without Reg:
Use DNS SRV:DNS SRV Auto Prefix:
Proxy Fallback Intvl:
Subscriber Information
Display Name:User ID:
Password:Use Auth ID:
Auth ID:
Mini Certificate:
SRTP Private Key:
Supplementary Service Subscription
Call Waiting Serv:Block CID Serv:
Block ANC Serv:Dist Ring Serv:
Cfwd All Serv:Cfwd Busy Serv:
Cfwd No Ans Serv:Cfwd Sel Serv:
Cfwd Last Serv:Block Last Serv:
Accept Last Serv:DND Serv:
CID Serv:CWCID Serv:
Call Return Serv:Call Back Serv:
Three Way Call Serv:Three Way Conf Serv:
Attn Transfer Serv:Unattn Transfer Serv:
MWI Serv:VMWI Serv:
Speed Dial Serv:Secure Call Serv:
Referral Serv:Feature Dial Serv:
Audio Configuration
Preferred Codec:Silence Supp Enable:
Use Pref Codec Only:Silence Threshold:
G729a Enable:Echo Canc Enable:
G723 Enable:Echo Canc Adapt Enable:
G726-16 Enable:Echo Supp Enable:
G726-24 Enable:FAX CED Detect Enable:
G726-32 Enable:FAX CNG Detect Enable:
G726-40 Enable:FAX Passthru Codec:
DTMF Process INFO:FAX Codec Symmetric:
DTMF Process AVT:FAX Passthru Method:
DTMF Tx Method:FAX Process NSE:
Hook Flash Tx Method:Release Unused Codec:
Symmetric RTP:
Gateway Accounts
Gateway 1:GW1 NAT Mapping Enable:
GW1 Auth ID:GW1 Password:
Gateway 2:GW2 NAT Mapping Enable:
GW2 Auth ID:GW2 Password:
Gateway 3:GW3 NAT Mapping Enable:
GW3 Auth ID:GW3 Password:
Gateway 4:GW4 NAT Mapping Enable:
GW4 Auth ID:GW4 Password:
VoIP Fallback To PSTN
Auto PSTN Fallback:
Dial Plan
Dial Plan:
Enable IP Dialing:
FXS Port Polarity Configuration
Idle Polarity:Caller Conn Polarity:
Callee Conn Polarity:

Line Enable:
NAT Settings
NAT Mapping Enable:NAT Keep Alive Enable:
NAT Keep Alive Msg:NAT Keep Alive Dest:
Network Settings
SIP TOS/DiffServ Value:Network Jitter Level:
RTP TOS/DiffServ Value:
SIP Settings
SIP Port:SIP 100REL Enable:
EXT SIP Port:Auth Resync-Reboot:
SIP Proxy-Require:SIP Remote-Party-ID:
SIP Debug Option:RTP Log Intvl:
Restrict Source IP:Referor Bye Delay:
Refer Target Bye Delay:Referee Bye Delay:
Refer-To Target Contact:
Proxy and Registration
Proxy:Use Outbound Proxy:
Outbound Proxy:Use OB Proxy In Dialog:
Register:Make Call Without Reg:
Register Expires:Ans Call Without Reg:
Use DNS SRV:DNS SRV Auto Prefix:
Proxy Fallback Intvl:
Subscriber Information
Display Name:User ID:
Password:Use Auth ID:
Auth ID:
Mini Certificate:
SRTP Private Key:
Audio Configuration
Preferred Codec:Silence Supp Enable:
Use Pref Codec Only:Echo Canc Enable:
G729a Enable:Echo Canc Adapt Enable:
G723 Enable:Echo Supp Enable:
G726-16 Enable:FAX CED Detect Enable:
G726-24 Enable:FAX CNG Detect Enable:
G726-32 Enable:FAX Passthru Codec:
G726-40 Enable:FAX Codec Symmetric:
DTMF Process INFO:FAX Passthru Method:
DTMF Process AVT:DTMF Tx Method:
Release Unused Codec:FAX Process NSE:
Symmetric RTP:
Dial Plans
Dial Plan 1:
Dial Plan 2:
Dial Plan 3:
Dial Plan 4:
Dial Plan 5:
Dial Plan 6:
Dial Plan 7:
Dial Plan 8:
VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup
VoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Enable:VoIP Caller Auth Method:
VoIP PIN Max Retry:One Stage Dialing:
Line 1 VoIP Caller DP:VoIP Caller Default DP:
Line 1 Fallback DP:
VoIP Caller ID Pattern:
VoIP Access List:
VoIP Caller 1 PIN:VoIP Caller 1 DP:
VoIP Caller 2 PIN:VoIP Caller 2 DP:
VoIP Caller 3 PIN:VoIP Caller 3 DP:
VoIP Caller 4 PIN:VoIP Caller 4 DP:
VoIP Caller 5 PIN:VoIP Caller 5 DP:
VoIP Caller 6 PIN:VoIP Caller 6 DP:
VoIP Caller 7 PIN:VoIP Caller 7 DP:
VoIP Caller 8 PIN:VoIP Caller 8 DP:
VoIP Users and Passwords (HTTP Authentication)
VoIP User 1 Auth ID:VoIP User 1 DP:
VoIP User 1 Password:
VoIP User 2 Auth ID:VoIP User 2 DP:
VoIP User 2 Password:
VoIP User 3 Auth ID:VoIP User 3 DP:
VoIP User 3 Password:
VoIP User 4 Auth ID:VoIP User 4 DP:
VoIP User 4 Password:
VoIP User 5 ID Auth ID:VoIP User 5 DP:
VoIP User 5 Password:
VoIP User 6 Auth ID:VoIP User 6 DP:
VoIP User 6 Password:
VoIP User 7 Auth ID:VoIP User 7 DP:
VoIP User 7 Password:
VoIP User 8 Auth ID:VoIP User 8 DP:
VoIP User 8 Password:
PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup
PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Enable:PSTN Caller Auth Method:
PSTN Ring Thru Line 1:PSTN PIN Max Retry:
PSTN Caller Default DP:PSTN CID Name Prefix:
PSTN Caller ID Pattern:
PSTN Access List:
PSTN Caller 1 PIN:PSTN Caller 1 DP:
PSTN Caller 2 PIN:PSTN Caller 2 DP:
PSTN Caller 3 PIN:PSTN Caller 3 DP:
PSTN Caller 4 PIN:PSTN Caller 4 DP:
PSTN Caller 5 PIN:PSTN Caller 5 DP:
PSTN Caller 6 PIN:PSTN Caller 6 DP:
PSTN Caller 7 PIN:PSTN Caller 7 DP:
PSTN Caller 8 PIN:PSTN Caller 8 DP:
FXO Timer Values (sec)
VoIP Answer Delay:VoIP PIN Digit Timeout:
PSTN Answer Delay:PSTN PIN Digit Timeout:
PSTN-To-VoIP Call Max Dur:PSTN Ring Thru Delay:
VoIP-To-PSTN Call Max Dur:PSTN Ring Thru CWT Delay:
VoIP DLG Refresh Intvl:PSTN Ring Timeout:
PSTN Dialing Delay:PSTN Dial Digit Len:
PSTN Disconnect Detection
Detect CPC:Detect Polarity Reversal:
Detect PSTN Long Silence:Detect VoIP Long Silence:
PSTN Long Silence Duration:VoIP Long Silence Duration:
PSTN Silence Threshold:Min CPC Duration:
Detect Disconnect Tone:
Disconnect Tone:
International Control
FXO Port Impedance:Ring Frequency Min:
SPA To PSTN Gain:Ring Frequency Max:
PSTN To SPA Gain:Ring Validation Time:
Tip/Ring Voltage Adjust:Ring Indication Delay:
Operational Loop Current Min:Ring Timeout:
On-Hook Speed:Ring Threshold:
Current Limiting Enable:Ringer Impedance:
Line-In-Use Voltage:

Call Forward Settings
Cfwd All Dest:Cfwd Busy Dest:
Cfwd No Ans Dest:Cfwd No Ans Delay:
Selective Call Forward Settings
Cfwd Sel1 Caller:Cfwd Sel1 Dest:
Cfwd Sel2 Caller:Cfwd Sel2 Dest:
Cfwd Sel3 Caller:Cfwd Sel3 Dest:
Cfwd Sel4 Caller:Cfwd Sel4 Dest:
Cfwd Sel5 Caller:Cfwd Sel5 Dest:
Cfwd Sel6 Caller:Cfwd Sel6 Dest:
Cfwd Sel7 Caller:Cfwd Sel7 Dest:
Cfwd Sel8 Caller:Cfwd Sel8 Dest:
Cfwd Last Caller:Cfwd Last Dest:
Block Last Caller:Accept Last Caller:
Speed Dial Settings
Speed Dial 2:Speed Dial 3:
Speed Dial 4:Speed Dial 5:
Speed Dial 6:Speed Dial 7:
Speed Dial 8:Speed Dial 9:
Supplementary Service Settings
CW Setting:Block CID Setting:
Block ANC Setting:DND Setting:
CID Setting:CWCID Setting:
Dist Ring Setting:Secure Call Setting:
Message Waiting:
Distinctive Ring Settings
Ring1 Caller:Ring2 Caller:
Ring3 Caller:Ring4 Caller:
Ring5 Caller:Ring6 Caller:
Ring7 Caller:Ring8 Caller:
Ring Settings
Default Ring:Default CWT:
Hold Reminder Ring:Call Back Ring:
Cfwd Ring Splash Len:Cblk Ring Splash Len:
VMWI Ring Splash Len:VMWI Ring Policy:
Ring On No New VM:

PSTN-To-VoIP Selective Call Forward Settings
Cfwd Sel1 Caller:Cfwd Sel1 Dest:
Cfwd Sel2 Caller:Cfwd Sel2 Dest:
Cfwd Sel3 Caller:Cfwd Sel3 Dest:
Cfwd Sel4 Caller:Cfwd Sel4 Dest:
Cfwd Sel5 Caller:Cfwd Sel5 Dest:
Cfwd Sel6 Caller:Cfwd Sel6 Dest:
Cfwd Sel7 Caller:Cfwd Sel7 Dest:
Cfwd Sel8 Caller:Cfwd Sel8 Dest:
PSTN-To-VoIP Speed Dial Settings
Speed Dial 2:Speed Dial 3:
Speed Dial 4:Speed Dial 5:
Speed Dial 6:Speed Dial 7:
Speed Dial 8:Speed Dial 9:
PSTN Ring Thru Line 1 Distinctive Ring Settings
Ring1 Caller:Ring2 Caller:
Ring3 Caller:Ring4 Caller:
Ring5 Caller:Ring6 Caller:
Ring7 Caller:Ring8 Caller:
PSTN Ring Thru Line 1 Ring Settings
Default Ring:
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